
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

UC Santa Barbara- A Bad Month, Indeed

Hat tip The College Fix

Mary Rose Thorn has thrown her two cents worth into the recent controversy involving her two sisters, who were allegedly accosted at UC Santa Barbara by a professor while protesting against abortion, an incident which garnered national coverage.

First this, then the campus paper printing detailed articles on how to give oral sex, then the Isla Vista riot.

It has been a bad month for the Gauchos at UCSB.

1 comment:

Miggie said...

Jeez, Gary.
There was a time,decades, not centuries ago that Academia was a highly respected institution. Now, stories like this and Brandies disgrace and many others like it make it a joke. Why anyone would waste years and tens of thousands of dollars going to college is beyond me?

You used to graduate as an educated person, with a useful foundation for a profession in the future. Now, unless you are an athlete, you are unprepared for any profession. Even worse, there is a high probability graduates are nearly illiterate, poor at math, ignorant about history, antisemitic, and unpatriotic without knowing it.

Of course, I'm using a broad brush and there are lots of examples that are exceptions to my general observations. It's a damn shame.