
Monday, July 21, 2014

Kristallnacht in France (For Real)

Hat tip Algemeiner

“Over the last few days in France are we seeing the beginning of a French Kristallnacht?” French Jewish artist and activist Ron Agam asked, in an interview with The Algemeiner about the violence."

Is that not what I called it a week ago?

I am fully aware of the laws of when police should shoot (at least in the US). However, at what point do French police decide that the actions of (certain) rioters pose a direct threat to the police or to others (namely Jews in their shops, synagogues or on the street)? At some point, the French police are going to have to make that split second decision on when to fire.

I will be the last to second guess them.

1 comment:

Findalis said...

I told you so! There I said it, now sitting back and awaiting the apology from Siarlys.