
Thursday, August 28, 2014

John McCain's Curious Remark About Islam on the Hannity Show

Forgiveness for adultery in Iran

Last night, Senator John McCain appeared on Fox's Sean Hannity show. He came on immediately after Heannity's back and forth with the despicable British Muslim leader Anjem Choudary. In discussing the Hannity-Choudary "discussion", McCain led off by saying that, "Islam is a religion of forgiveness" before referring to Choudary's "claptrap".

While I agree with the reference to Choudary's claptrap, I wonder if McCain is up on his current events. More specifically, I wonder if McCain is familiar with the part of sharia law called "hudud sharia", which covers the penalties for "crimes against God." Contained in that portion of sharia are "crimes" such as adultery, homosexual acts, apostasy, and blasphemy.
Woman and girls killed by mob for 'blasphemous' Facebook post
Forgiveness for blasphemy in Pakistan (3 women "forgiven" here)

The penalty? Death. Don't take my word. Go to the leading Islamic schools of thought around the Islamic world.

Forgiveness for gays in Iran

This Christian woman in Sudan  was "forgiven" for "apostasy" only after an international outcry and US diplomatic pressure.

Senator McCain, stop insulting our intelligence.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, I don't know if you were ever a Calvinist, but does the name Michael Servitius means anything to you?

And speaking on a non-lethal level, have you ever read The Scarlet Letter?

Now if I were making the argument "Christians did it, so its OK for Muslims to do it," Squid or someone would quite correctly cite this as the "tu quoque" fallacy.

But I'm not. I'm just saying, because someone kills in the name of Islam, does not establish whether Islam, per se, or Muslims, generally, are a religion of forgiveness.

Findalis's mind is made up, but her comments are not known for their factual underpinnings.

Gary Fouse said...


To answer your questions, no and no.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

In that case, you have some reading to do. Or googling. Start here: