
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ferguson Protester Blames CNN, AIPAC and Zionists

Hat tip Creeping Sharia

Today is CAIR's self-proclaimed Day of Action in connection with the Ferguson shooting case. On Monday, it appears they got off to an early start as evidenced by this video in which the protesters grievances are blamed on CNN, AIPAC, Zionists and Israel.


Squid said...

Of course the Leftist/Marxist/race-baiters will protest. The News Media are also supporting the wrongful condemnation of the Ferguson officer by not publishing the evidence supporting the Officer. The left leaning mass media will also support the corrupt Eric (the contempt of Congress) Holder in his quest to portray the police as corrupt.
Here is the latest information out of Ferguson, which supports the Officer's story. The Judge, in this case, with the partial evidence now known, should dismiss the case. That is, if he has not been intimidated by Holder and Obama's Administration. The Judge should not let the threat of violent protests, if the case is dismissed, alter his judgement.


Gary Fouse said...

Today's CNN news ticker reported the fact that Brown "was shot 2 times in the hand at close range which would support the officers version-though he would still have to explain why he fired so many times".

I can answer that. If after a struggle for the gun resulted in two shots inside the car because Brown was trying to get his gun and Brown subsequently charged Officer Wilson, the cop would be justified in firing until the threat was stopped. That's why.