
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thoughts on the Week of Terror in Canada

As the dust settles in Ottawa after yesterday's terror attack, it appears that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was the lone gunman. Whether he had links to the previous jihadist killed in Canada two days earlier is still being investigated. A couple of things are becoming clear. First, lone wolf jihadists in the West are hearing the call of ISIS to strike however they can in Western countries. The threat of more attacks is real, indeed certain. Pinhead professors like Juan Cole of the University of Michigan can pooh-pooh it and dismiss warnings as racist and Islamophobic all they want. They will eventually be laughed out of  the public discourse by real events.

As for Islamophobia, I would guess that after this week's events, a few million more Canadians have become Islamophobes. They may be fodder for UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian's Islamophobia Research and Documentation Center, but the numbers can only grow rather than diminish.

For everyday brings news of another atrocity, whether it be an attack in the West, a car bomb in Iraq, a beheading in Syria, a stoning in Afghanistan, a kidnapping of schoolgirls in Nigeria, a death sentence for blasphemy in Pakistan, or for apostasy in Sudan; it is a daily occurrence.

Once again I repeat my usual disclaimer: I don't condemn all Muslims and neither should you. God forbid that we in the West begin retaliating against innocent Muslim citizens living in the West. Yet it is becoming very tiring to hear apologists like CAIR and MPAC "condemn" the acts of ISIS and al Qaeda while refusing to condemn the acts of Hamas directed towards Israelis. (Yesterday, a Palestinian in Jerusalem aimed his car at a crowd and killed a three-month-old baby, an act that was applauded, if not ordered, by Hamas.) The story line of the CAIR types is that they "condemn all acts of terror against innocent civilians" (a phrase wide enough to drive a truck through according to their definitions.). Yet CAIR's biggest concern is lashing back against any outcry against terror as being Islamophobic. They and others tell us that these acts have nothing to do with Islam-even though they are being carried out in the name of Islam. They tell us how the Qu'ran forbids the taking of human life-side skipping the caveats and the fact that all the peaceful verses they recite are Abrogated by later contradictory verses that urge the Muslim to kill the unbelievers. (I capitalize abrogate because that is an Islamic scholarly principle of interpreting the Qu'ran.) The final major chapter in the Qu'ran is sura 9 which is also its most hateful and violent. It virtually abrogates any verses recorded earlier in time which are contradictory. (The final sura-110- consists of only a couple of sentences.) Yet we are to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.

The apologists and propagandists also tell us that the Prophet Mohammad was a kind and generous man who forgave his enemies. In truth, Mohammad was a warrior and military leader who spread Islam at the point of a sword and oversaw the executions-by beheadings- of captured prisoners and the sale of their wives and daughters into slavery. This is historical fact not slander. What ISIS is doing today is what Mohammad's armies did 1400 years ago. Muslims themselves know it because it is heralded in Islamic texts themselves. Also well chronicled in the Qu'ran and the hadith (the life and traditions of Mohammad) are constant hateful references to Jews and Christians. Those hateful references continue to this day in thousands of mosques around the world even in the West.

So as we watch the never-ending series of attacks against non-Muslims, the persecution of Christians across the Islamic world and even wars between Sunni and Shia, the apologists ask us to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and that what we are witnessing is not Islam. As much as we may want to believe this, it strains credulity. The "peace" is only meant to be among Muslims themselves-and among the same branches of Islam no less.

If what the CAIR types tell us is true, where are the million man marches-at least in the West if not within the Islamic world itself? As we speak, yesterday was proclaimed by CAIR to be a Day of Action. Action against what-the "hijacking" of Islam by ISIS, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and all the other terror organizations running around the globe? Was it a call for Muslims to engage in some self examination? No, it was a protest against police brutality and incarceration of brown and black people-a cynical attempt to rally other minorities to their own cause.  It will be a cold day in Hell before millions of Muslims take to the streets and demand a cleansing of this evil or a Reformation within Islam that would rid it of its violent and intolerant aspects. In truth, they cannot without rejecting Mohammad and the Qu'ran itself. By their definition, that is apostasy, a "crime" by the way, punishable by death under Sharia law.  No, that is not going to happen.

In addition, CAIR has a long track record of former officials who have been uncovered in terrorist plots or providing other terrorist support. The rest of these activists and so-called Muslim leaders are what we call "stealth jihadists" forsaking violence to work within the system to bring about the same goal as ISIS-a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

As for the rest of us, all we can do is await the next attack on our home soil. The day is going to come when the "Islamophobia" overflows our societies. Hopefully, that will not result in hate and retaliation against innocent people who do live peaceful lives and have no wish to harm us or change our way of life. It should, however, force our heretofore feckless leaders to call a halt to Islamic immigration and to take decisive action against the jihadists-stealth or otherwise- who are walking among us and preparing for that envisioned day when Islam will reign supreme. We cannot afford the luxury of having to rely on our diplomatic, immigration, intelligence and police forces of having to weed out the bad from the good.

As for that Islamophobia Research and Documentation Center at UC Berkeley, I suggest Mr Bazian request additional funding to expand his facility. He's going to need a lot of file space.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, why do you hate Zehaf-Bibeau's mother?